Lone Star Indie Review: LITTLE HOMETOWN, AMERICA May 03, 2020 Indie review of LIttle Hometown, America by Brownwood native CG Fewston
Lone Star Review: Things You Would Know If You Grew Up Around Here Apr 26, 2020 Review of Things You Would Know If You Grew Up Around Here
Lone Star Review: THE HOUSE OF DEEP WATER Apr 12, 2020 A review of The House of Deep Water, Jeni McFarland's debut novel
Lone Star Indie Review: DID YOU SING YOUR SONG? POEMS Apr 12, 2020 Indie review of Did You Sing Your Song?, a new poetry collection
Lone Star Indie Review: MEN, MONEY & GYPSY BLOOD Apr 05, 2020 Indie review of Men, Money & Gypsy Blood, a memoir from Abilene native Sharron Ann Sibley
Lone Star Review: Sutherland Springs: God, Guns, and Hope in a Texas Town Mar 29, 2020 A review of Joe Holley's new book, Sutherland Springs
Lone Star Review: VALENTINE Mar 22, 2020 A review of Valentine by West Texas native Elizabeth Wetmore