Lone Star Literary Life will be taking a break the month of January, 2024. While you won't see us on social media or posting new content on the website, we will send a few newsletters in January to keep connected and let you know about any changes coming in 2024. Subscribe now (it's free and good for your inbox).
If you’re looking for events while we’re hibernating, you can always check your local libraries, bookstores, book clubs, and writers' and storytellers' groups to find where bookish people are gathering.
In case you missed it, or if you need inspiration for using those gift cards and building your to-be-read lists, we recommend revisiting our Holiday Gift Guide or perusing our editorial reviews, columns, and book blog tours. Or just get your literary laughs by revisiting our bookish humor.
Everyone at Lone Star Lit wishes you and yours the very best of new years.